Application: Material Ropeway
System interface: Internal amplifier with analog interface
Loadpin MB277 SPS
Earlier material ropeways were equipped with electronic load monitoring. Therefrom the current was monitored by the driving motor.
Conversion of engines:
Due to the advent of inverter-controlled motors the possibility of overload control fell off . There are also newer DIN provisions requiring a redundant system. It therefore needs to be integrated further overload control . This is easy to solve with loadpins.
Retrofitting with loadpins:
Loadpins are qualified for changing the current constructions. They can be integrated as a design element to existing suspension or sheaves.
The electronics can be optionally integrated or preset with thresholds. The integrated scale function provides added comfort during system setup. This option provides setting the characteristic value and the threshold adaptation via keystroke.
- Retrofitting without conversion
- Simple electronics with threshold outpot
- Cable break monitoring is possible
- Redundant version is possible
Alternative loadpins: